The Actor Nakamura Tomijuro I as Omi no Okane in the play "Kongen Okuni Kabuki" performed at the Nakamura Theater in the seventh month, 1754, 1754
Torii Kiyohiro
Sketches: The Hotel de Ville, Tours and a Girl Playing (recto); Stork (verso), 1837/78
Charles François Daubigny
Act Seven: The Ichiriki Teahouse from the Play Chushingura (Treasury of the Forty-seven Loyal Retainers), c. 1795
Katsukawa Shun'ei
Tsuen, from the series "Fifty Kyogen Plays (Kyogen gojuban)", 1927 (Published)
Tsukioka Kôgyo
Act Five: Yamazaki Highway from the play Chushingura (Treasury of the Forty-seven Loyal Retainers), c. 1795
Katsukawa Shun'ei
Act Nine: Yuranosuke's House in Yamashina from the play Chushingura (Treasury of Loyal Retainers), c. 1779/80
Katsukawa Shunsho
Shimizu, from the series "Fifty Kyogen Plays (Kyogen gojuban)", 1927 (Published)
Tsukioka Gyokusei
They Play Another with the Cape in an Enclosure, plate four from The Art of Bullfighting, 1814/16, published 1816
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
The Actor Onoe Kikugoro I as the pageboy Kichisaburo in the play "Nanakusa Wakayagi Soga," performed at the Ichimura Theater in the first month, 1744, 1744
Torii Kiyomasu II
The Actor Nakamura Tomijuro I as the Waitress Otake in the Play Chigo Suzuri Aoyagi Soga, Performed at the Nakamura Theater in the First Month, 1777, c. 1777
Katsukawa Shunsho
Asau, from the series "Fifty Kyogen Plays (Kyogen gojuban)", 1927 (Published)
Tsukioka Gyokusei
Oiso no Tora and Shosho Playing Instruments, 1746
Nishimura Shigenaga
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Ono Sadakuro in the Play Kanadehon Chushingura, Performed at the Nakamura Theater in the Fifth Month, 1776, c. 1776
Katsukawa Shunsho
Bunraku - Puppet Play Y6, 1977
Kimura Kosuke
Five Putti at Play, n.d.
Jacob de Wit
Jar in the Form of an Anthropomorphic Seal Playing a Drum, 100 BCE–500 CE
Igui, from the series "Fifty Kyogen Plays (Kyogen gojuban)", 1927 (Published)
Tsukioka Gyokusei
Act Eight: The Bridal Journey from the play Chushingura (Treasury of the Forty-seven Loyal Retainers), early 1790s
Katsukawa Shun'ei
Pictures of Car Radios Taken while Good Music Was Playing (Ansichten von Autoradios, in denen gerade gute Musik spielt), 1970/90
Hans Peter Feldmann
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Sakon-gitsune in the Play Hana-zumo Genji Hiiki, Performed at the Nakamura Theater in the Eleventh Month, 1775, c. 1775