Rebecca Salsbury Strand, 1922
Alfred Stieglitz
Mary Reynolds and Marcel Duchamp, 1937
Constantin Achillopoulos
Fruitlands, Harvard, Massachusetts, from the series "Sweet Earth: Experimental Utopias in America", October 2004
Joel Sternfeld
Hanford Reservation, Hanford, Washington, from the series "On This Site: Landscape in Memoriam", August 1994, September 1996
Joel Sternfeld
Jean Arp, New York City, 1949
Arnold Newman
Dead Animals #454, Nevada, from the series "Desert Cantos VI: The Pit" (1987-88), 1988, printed 2007
Richard Misrach
Fresh Air for the Baby, New York East Side, c. 1910
Lewis Wickes Hine
Isadora Duncan, Columns of Parthenon, 1921
Edward Steichen
Autumn, Yosemite Valley, c. 1933, printed 1936
Ansel Adams
11,000 Yards, The Helmingham Dell, after Constable, from the series "Pictures of Thread", 1999
Vik Muniz
Les bas de resille noirs (Black Fishnet Stockings), c. 1932
Brassaï, (Gyula Halász)
Massive Funeral Procession with Flower-Decorated Pier in Center, 1948
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Still Life, San Francisco, California, c. 1932
Ansel Adams
Moon and Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, 1960, printed 1975/80
Ansel Adams
At Home, Pittsburgh, 1906
Lewis Wickes Hine
14th Street, NYC, 1952
Robert Frank
The Mark on the Mirror Made by Breathing (Der Fleck auf dem Spiegel, den der Atemhauch schafft), 1977
Dieter Appelt
La Cigale, No. 16 from the portfolio "American Pictorial Photography, Series I" (1899); edition 146/150, c. 1897
Emma J. Farnsworth
Walk with Soames, 1958, printed c. 1995
Saul Leiter
Joan Miró, 1968
Bill Brandt