Nude No. 99, New York, 1949/50, printed 1949/50
Irving Penn
Pool and Bay, Afternoon Storm, Provincetown, Cape Cod, from the series "The Cape", 1976, printed 1979
Joel Meyerowitz
Grass and Pool, c. 1935, printed 1959
Ansel Adams
Scott and Helen Nearing at Forest Farm, Harborside, Maine, from the series "Sweet Earth: Experimental Utopias in America" \, October 1982
Joel Sternfeld
American Steel & Wire Company, Worcester, Mass., 1912
Herman Schervee
"Coney Island, N.Y., U.S.A, June 20, 1993," from Beach Portraits, 1993
Rineke Dijkstra
Untitled (fashion), 1982–84
Richard Prince
One Thing Leads to Another, 1968
Ralph Arnold
Walter Gropius, New York, March 12, 1948, printed 1984
Irving Penn
42,000 feet over Kansas, 1951
Margaret Bourke-White
Max Ernst & Dorothea Tanning, New York, March 20, 1947, printed 1983
Irving Penn
Dogwood Blossoms, 1938, printed 1959
Ansel Adams
Dutch Family on Beach at Royal Batavian Yacht Club, 1949
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Niagara Falls, No. 12 from the portfolio "American Pictorial Photography, Series I" (1899), c. 1897
William D. Murphy
Outdoor Dining, Bonneville Salt Flats, from the series "Desert Cantos XV: The Salt Flats" (1992), 1992, printed 2006
Richard Misrach
Berber Horsemen, A Fantasia, Morocco, 1951, printed 1951/52
Irving Penn
Tent in Nepal (A), 1967
Per Boije
Truman Capote, New York, 1965, printed 1986
Irving Penn
After Dinner Games, New York, 1947, printed 1959/60
Irving Penn
Noon Clouds, Glacier National Park, Montana, No. 1 from "Portfolio Two: The National Parks and Monuments" (1950), 1942, printed 1950
Ansel Adams