Heather Brown McCann, Mimi Brown, Bebe Brown Nixon, Laurie Brown, New Canaan, Conn., 1975
Nicholas Nixon
Mosquée près de Bab-el-Saïda, Le Kaire, plate 2 from the album "Egypte, Nubie, Palestine et Syrie," (1852), 1849/51, printed 1852
Maxime Du Camp
TIROS - (Television Infrared Observation Satellite), c. 1993
David Hartt
Halcyon Temple of the People (Blue Star Memorial Temple), Halcyon, California, from the series "Sweet Earth: Experimental Utopias in America", January 1997
Joel Sternfeld
"Hot Coffee," Mojave Desert, 1937, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Havana, 1999
Philip-Lorca DiCorcia
Nelson Algren, by his Favorite Division St. Bar, Chicago, 1949
Art Shay
Soft Kiss/Danger, from the 1993 Graduate/Faculty Photography Portfolio, April 1993
Jason Greenberg
Portrait of Rosette Loewenstein, 1922/59
Ansel Adams
Nude No. 71, New York, 1949/50, printed 1949/50
Irving Penn
Intrigue, c. 1935
James VanDerZee
Tina [nude on the azotea], 1923, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
3 Chanel Products, New York, 1968, printed 1992
Irving Penn
Military Guard on Nob Hill, San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, April 1906, printed 1956
Arnold Genthe
Warren Avenue at 23rd Street, Detroit, Michigan, from the series "On This Site: Landscape in Memoriam", October 1993
Joel Sternfeld
Thanksgiving, from the series "Pictures from Home", 1985
Larry Sultan
Untitled [Broken Glass], 1940/62
Howard Dearstyne
Rebecca Salsbury Strand, 1922
Alfred Stieglitz
3.20.00 4:05-5:00 a.m., 2000, printed 2007
Richard Misrach