Untitled (Nude: Kate Steichen), c. 1935
Edward Steichen
"Lucy" the Elephant, Margate, NJ, 1972
Jim Dow
Striking Worker Murdered (Obrero en huelga asesinado), 1934
Manuel Alvarez-Bravo
Salvador Dali, 1944
Johan Hagemeyer
American Steel & Wire Company, Worcester, Mass., 1912
Herman Schervee
Torse, Paris, 1980
Edouard Boubat
Negative Cat, c. 1926
László Moholy-Nagy
4 a.m. Make Love to Me, Brattleboro, VT, 1979
Robert Frank
Hannes Schroll, Yosemite Valley, California, c. 1935
Ansel Adams
Consolidated Edison Power House, 666 First Avenue, Manhattan, November 9, 1938
Berenice Abbott
Strategy: Sever/Isolate, 1989
Willie Doherty
Leon Golding, Artist, 1955
Johan Hagemeyer
Still Life in Stanley Mitruk's Studio, 1951/55
Harold Allen
Cut Bank, Montana, August 1944
Edwin Rosskam
Steel Mill. 80 inch Hot Strip Mill. Inland Steel Co., E. Chicago, Ind., 1979
David Plowden
Magnolia Blossom, 1925
Imogen Cunningham
Andre Breton, "An Anxious Friend," and Max Ernst, c. 1945
Boy With Fruit by Caravaggio, 1993
Abelardo Morell
Untitled #86, 1981
Cindy Sherman
Untitled, 1932
Brassaï, (Gyula Halász)