Georgia O'Keeffe - Feet, 1918
Alfred Stieglitz
Danville, Virginia, 1966
Emmet Gowin
for everyone a garden VII, from the series "for everyone a garden", 2013
David Hartt
Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically, 1931/73
Salvador Dalí
The former Bryant's Grocery, Money, Mississippi, from the series "On This Site: Landscape in Memoriam", June 1994
Joel Sternfeld
Portfolio of Twelve Photographs, 1957
Don Worth
Allen Street, New York, Numbers 55-57, February 11, 1937
Berenice Abbott
A Desert View, Shiprock, New Mexico, 1991
William Clift
Arshile Gorky & Wifredo Lam (B), New York, July 17, 1946, printed January 26, 1999
Irving Penn
Harvard Men, 1969
Steven Liebman
Boy and His Dog, 1947
Arnold Newman
Villa Savoia, Rome, 1948
David Seymour
Fresh Air for the Baby, New York East Side, c. 1910
Lewis Wickes Hine
"L'Egypte de Mlle. Cleo de Merode..." by Joseph Cornell, c. 1977
Eric Pollitzer
At Home, Pittsburgh, 1906
Lewis Wickes Hine
Untitled (Man and Mirror), from the "Kitchen Table Series", 1990
Carrie Mae Weems
John Marin, 1910
Alfred Stieglitz
Portrait of Neil Weston, 1943
Edward Weston
State Street, Yellow Cabs, 1951/54
Arthur Siegel
Playboy (On View), from the series House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home, 1967–72
Martha Rosler