Pavel Tchelitchew and Julien Levy, c. 1930
Julien Levy
Pavel Tchelitchew, 1950, printed 1959
George Platt Lynes
Glory to the Pilot-Heroes, August 4, 1945
Pavel F. Sudakov
Plate from Interior Landscape, n.d.
Pavel Tchelitchew
Portfolio Cover, for Interior Landscape, n.d.
Pavel Tchelitchew
Plate from Interior Landscape, 1948
Pavel Tchelitchew
Our One-Thousandth Blow, June 5, 1944
Nikolai F. Denisovskii
Mixed Behavior, 2003
Anri Sala
Fight, 1986
Pavel Jasansky
Interior Landscape, 1948
Pavel Tchelitchew
Starfish, 1944
Alexander Calder
Océanie - La Mer (Oceania - The Sea), 1948
Henri Matisse
Maternité, c. 1921/49
Salcia Bahnc
Bowl, c. 1915/25
Jean Sala
Karttikeya, Commander of the Divine Army, Seated on a Peacock, Ganga Period, about 12th century
Skyline with Boats in Foreground, 1910
John Marin