Reclining Nude (Sleeping Woman), September 5, 1969
Pablo Picasso
Seated Male Nude from the Back (recto); Sleeping Male Nude (verso), n.d.
Onorio Marinari
The House of Virgil Built in Anticipation of the Return of the Golden Age, 1976
Thomas Beeby
La fillette nue: Menu, 1898
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
The Hollywood Suites (Nude #1), 1974/75, printed 1974/75
Steve Kahn
Sketches of Seated Figures and Chickens (recto), Nude Female Torso (related to the painting Te a no areois [The Seed of the Areoi]) (verso), from the Carnet de Tahiti (Tahitian sketchbook), 1891/93