Modern Style Bust, March 8, 1949
Pablo Picasso
Lozenge Composition with Yellow, Black, Blue, Red, and Gray, 1921
Piet Mondrian
Wrigley's, 1937
Charles Green Shaw
Indian and Pronghorn Antelope, 1914
Paul Manship
Untitled (Match-Woman I), 1920
Francis Picabia
Alaska, 1919–27
Rockwell Kent
Renganeschi's Saturday Night, 1912
John Sloan
Train Station, 1935
Walter Ellison
I Drew A Picture in the Sand and the Water Washed It Away, 1927
Ivan Albright
Abstract Cityscape, 1924
Léopold Survage
Landscape, 1930
Rufino Tamayo
I Walk To and Fro through Civilization and I Talk as I Walk (Follow Me, the Monk), 1926–27
Ivan Albright
Man of Sorrows, 1950
Marion Perkins
PH-246, 1951/52
Clyfford Still
Zapata, 1930
José Clemente Orozco
Silver Sun, 1929
Arthur Dove
In the Magic Mirror, 1934
Paul Klee
Soap Bubble Set, 1948
Joseph Cornell
The Two Philosophers, February 4–12, 1936
Joan Miró
Walking Man II, 1960
Alberto Giacometti