Untitled, 1976
Robert Morris
Untitled (Dream of Venus) formerly Visions of Eternity, 1939
Salvador Dalí
Vincent and Tony, 1969
Alex Katz
The Huckster Cart, 1913
Robert Spencer
Still Life No. 15, c. 1917
Marsden Hartley
Steel-Aluminum Plain, 1969
Carl André
Christa and Wolfi, 1964
Gerhard Richter
Shop Girls, c. 1912
Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
Self-Portrait (No. 8), October 5–12, 1982
Ivan Albright
Untitled, 1965
Beauford Delaney
Portrait of a Sea Dove—Dead, 1935
Marsden Hartley
Diego Seated in the Studio, 1950
Alberto Giacometti
Isaku Yanaihara, 1956
Alberto Giacometti
Among the Redwoods, 1920
Wallace L. DeWolf
Nude under a Pine Tree, January 20, 1959
Pablo Picasso
Tumblers, 1942
Chaim Gross
Lantern, c. 1922
Arthur Dove
The Seine at Triel, 1931
Albert Marquet
Excavation, 1950
Willem de Kooning