Dong Yong (Toei), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety as a Mirror for Children (Nijushiko doji kagami)", c. 1843
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Painting, summer 1936
Joan Miró
Cygne Crépusculaire (Twilight Swan), 1949
Joseph Cornell
The Two Philosophers, February 4–12, 1936
Joan Miró
Untitled (A Reclining Susan Harder, Nude, Holding Distortion Mirror), October 24, 1979
André Kertész
Needlework Panel, Late 17th century
The Mark on the Mirror Made by Breathing (Der Fleck auf dem Spiegel, den der Atemhauch schafft), 1977
Dieter Appelt
The Autumn Moon in the Mirror (Kyodai no shugetsu), from the series "Eight Views of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)", c. 1766
Suzuki Harunobu
General Tamichi, from the series A Mirror of Famous Japanese Generals, 1880
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Kika Before the Mirror, 1985
Gerardo Pita
42, Rue Blomet, 1977
Joan Miró
Tea Kettle, section of a sheet from the series "Mirror of Stone Rubbings of Views of the Provinces" (Kohon meihitsu ishizuri kagami), n.d.
Utagawa Hiroshige
Maquette for "Miró's Chicago", 1963
Joan Miró
Two Personages in Love with a Woman, April 29–May 9, 1936
Joan Miró
Table Centerpiece, c. 1750
Man, Woman, and Bulls, 1935
Joan Miró
Mirror, Tang dynasty (618–907)
Courtesans of the Yadaya, from the book "Mirror of Beautiful Women of the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro bijin awase sugata kagami)," vol. 1, 1776
Katsukawa Shunsho
Composition with Figures, 1932
Joan Miró