Looking Glass, 1790–1810
Artist unknown
Mirror with "TLV" Pattern, Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 CE),
about 1st century
Mirror #3 (Six Panels), 1971
Roy Lichtenstein
Chalk-Mirror Displacement, 1969
Robert Smithson
La durée poignardée (Time Transfixed), 1938
René Magritte
Untitled Film Still #56, 1980
Cindy Sherman
Mirror Frame with Tree of Life Motif, Mughal dynasty (1526-1857), 17th/18th century
Maya, Mirror of Illusions, c. 1910
Arthur B. Davies
Corpse and Mirror II, 1974/75
Jasper Johns
Mirror with Dragon and Bird Arabesque, Western Han dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 9)
Hand Mirror, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550–1295 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
In the Magic Mirror, 1934
Paul Klee
Mirror, 1870
Carlo Bartolozzi
Mirror with a Handle in the Form of a Female Figure, 3rd century BCE
Ancient Etruscan
Hand Mirror, 470-450 BCE
Ancient Etruscan
The Mirror #2, 1928
Max Weber
Virginia Interior, 1942
Jacob Lawrence
Mirror with Images of Daoist Deities, Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 CE),
2nd or 3rd century CE
Mirror with Dragon Arabesques, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period or early Western Han dynasty, 3rd/2nd century B.C.
Seen in a Mirror (Self-Portrait), 1933
John Copley