Head of a Guardian King, n.d., style of Tang dynasty (618–907)
The Two Sisters of Psyche are Married to Kings; ...Psyche is Presented to a King, 1530/40
Master of the Die
Armored Guardian King (Tianwang) Trampling Demon, Tang dynasty (618–907), first half of 8th century
The Three Magi: Caspar, King of Tarsus, c. 1612-1616
Jacques Bellange
Wall Hanging, Probably after 1915
Jessie Marion King
Wall Hanging, Probably after 1915
Jessie Marion King
Wall Hangings, Probably after 1915
Jessie Marion King
The King's Card Game, copy, after 1895
Imitator of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria, Wife of King Charles IX of France, after 1571
Follower of François Clouet
Jove Casts his Thunderbolts at the Rebellious Giants, c. 1695
Johann Michael Rottmayr
King, 1961
Diane Barr
Scarab Seal of Sesostris I, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (1991–1784 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Plaque: The Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, Menkheperure (Thutmose IV)/lion with round sign, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Thutmose IV (1400–1390 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Phillip IV King of Spain, 1862
Édouard Manet
Processional Cross with Saint Mary Magdalene and a Blessed Hermit, 1392/95