Scarab: The God Ptah with Name of Usermaatra Setepenra (Ramesses II), New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Reign of Ramesses II (about 1279–1213 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Scarab: Nebmaatra (Amenhotep III) and Queen Tiye, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep IIII (about 1390–1352 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Portrait Medallion: Anne of Austria and her Son, the future King Louis XIV, 1638/48
Jean Warin, II
A Portrait Medallion of King Louis XV Surrounded by Putti Carrying the Attributes of Fame and History, 1774
Gabriel Jacques de Saint-Aubin
Victor Emmanuel II King of Sardinia, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, 1860–69
Scarab: The God Ptah with a Standing King and the Name of Usermaatra Setepenra (Ramesses II), New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Reign of Ramesses II (about 1279–1213 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
View from Kings, Weston Hill, from Three Views, Illustrative of The Scenery of Bristol, and its Vicinity, 1823
Francis Danby
View on the Wensum at King Street, Taken from Foundary Bridge, 1810/18
John Thirtle
Coin Depicting a Parasol, 42-43, reign of King Herod Agrippa I (37-43)