Two Maps I, 1965–66
Jasper Johns
0 Through 9, 1967
Jasper Johns
John Newton, c. 1757/60
Thomas Hudson
Sketches of Legs and Feet, 1917/21
John Singer Sargent
Bachelor Girl, 1915
John Sloan
Near Newport, 1869
John Frederick Kensett
St. John, from Apostles, n.d.
Martin Schongauer
Body of a Woman, 1928
John Bradley Storrs
Study of Two Bedouins, 1905–6
John Singer Sargent
Sheep at the Gate, n.d.
John Edward Costigan
Tree and Sea, Maine, 1919
John Marin
The Green Sea – Movement – Stonington, Maine, 1921
John Marin
Ostrich Cup, 1590
John Spilman
Sleepwalk Forest, 1963
John Hultberg
High Chest of Drawers, 1755–85
John Goddard
Saint Augustine's Vision of Saints Jerome and John the Baptist, 1476
Matteo di Giovanni
Woodsheds, Tyrol, 1914
John Singer Sargent
Reliquary Monstrance with a Tooth of Saint John the Baptist, 1433; container: 900/1200
Weddeghe Velstede
The Valley of the Eisak Near Brixen in the Tyrol, 1783/84
John Robert Cozens
William Brown, 1804–8
John Trumbull