The Temperance Sweep, 1877
John Thomson
Broadway, 1985
William Conger
Horse with Art Nouveau Man, 1925/85
Clarence John Laughlin
John Watts Statue: From Trinity Churchyard, Looking Toward One Wall Street, Manhattan, February 1, 1938
Berenice Abbott
Untitled [General John J. Pershing], 1918/19
Edward Steichen
Chicago Has a Great Lake, Designed 1966, Made 1968
John Massey
Portrait of a Woman (possibly Gräfin Aga vom Hagen), 1915
Max Beckmann
The Martyrdom of St. John, from The Apocalypse, c. 1496–98, published 1511
Albrecht Dürer
Arras, War Time, from the series Ruins of War, 1919
Frank Brangwyn
Together or Alone III, 1981
John E. Dowell, Jr.
Salome Presenting the Head of John the Baptist to Herodias, 1511
Albrecht Dürer
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, San Clemente, California, from the series "Power Places", June 1981
John Pfahl
Niagara Power Project, Niagara Falls, New York, from the series "Power Places", September 1981
John Pfahl
Aiken House, on Weldon Railroad, Virginia, February 1865
John Reekie
Millennium 3 Armchair, 1988
John Makepeace
Self-Portrait (feet), 1989
John Coplans
The Independent Shoe-Black, 1877
John Thomson
The Massacre of the Innocents, from Opera Selectiora, 1739
John Baptist Jackson