Cameo with Portrait of John Wesley, Late 18th century
Wedgwood Manufactory
Chicago Duet, 2004
John E. Dowell, Jr.
Untitled, 1992
Jasper Johns
In the East, 160 Million March Joyfully into the Future (160 millionen im osten schreiten froh in die Zukunft!), n.d.
John Heartfield
A City Park, c. 1887
William Merritt Chase
View above the Falls of Schuylkill, plate three of the first number of Picturesque Views of American Scenery, 1819/21
John Hill
Abdul Hamid Khan, from Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1815
John Young
Parallèlement (In Parallel), 1900
Pierre Bonnard
John Barrymore in "Hamlet", 1923
Edward Steichen
Herodias with the Head of John the Baptist, 1528
Heinrich Aldegrever
Hector Chiding Paris, n.d.
John Flaxman
"No mans land" from the Tiergarten, 1985, printed 2003/04
John Gossage
John Hancock Center TOPS Design Competition, Elevation, 1983
Peggy Smolka Wolff
The Covenant, from Illustrations of the Bible, 1832
John Martin
The Guaranty (now Prudential) Building, Buffalo, New York, 1894–95, 1951/52
John Szarkowski
American Landscape V, Chicago, 1939
John Gutmann
Sketch of Nude Woman and Clothed Man (recto); Partial Sketch of Young Woman (verso), n.d.
Augustus Edwin John
The South will Soon be Demanding Restriction of Migration of it's Labor, 1923
John Tinney McCutcheon
Dulce Domum, or the Return from School, published December 1, 1790
John Jones