Capitalism Robs You of the Last Piece of Bread (Das letzte Stück Brot raubt Ihnen der Kapitalismus), 1932
John Heartfield
Figure 1, 1957
Jasper Johns
Girl in Spanish Costume, 1879/80
John Singer Sargent
Mont Saleve, c. 1840
John Ruskin
Secretary Cabinet, 1732
John Kirkhoffer
Phosphorescence, 1963
John Hultberg
Landscape, or Hill and Village, No. 2, Chevreuse, 1909
John Marin
Circus Horses, c. 1941
John Marin
U.S.A. Johns Hopkins University, c. 1960
Marc Riboud
Revolutionary Museum of the USSR: October Letter Series—German Communist Party Posters (Muzei revoliutsii SSSR: otkrytie pisma seriia—Plakaty kompatrii germanii), 1933
John Heartfield
The Basin, Vizcaya, 1917
John Singer Sargent
Marin Island, 1915
John Marin
Pseudo-Anatomy, No. 2, After Cowper's "Anatomy", 1732, 1947
John Wilde
Jasper Johns (D), New York, November 18, 1983, printed 1984
Irving Penn
Fragment from Christ Carrying the Cross: Saint John the Evangelist, c. 1500
Jean Hey, (the Master of Moulins)
John L. Sullivan Quilt, c. 1890
Virgin and Child with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist, c. 1628