Untitled (tan), 1976
Robert Mangold
Untitled (Plank Study), 1972
John McCracken
Inclinasions (1-5-71), 1971
Vera Molnár
Natura Morta, 1948
Giorgio Morandi
Note X, State II, 1968
Barnett Newman
Untitled (Grupo Frente), 1955
Hélio Oiticica
Untitled (Metaesquema), 1958
Hélio Oiticica
Tube Supported by Its Contents, 1969
Claes Oldenburg
Proposed Colossal Monument for the Battery, NYC - Vacuum Cleaner, View from Upper Bay, 1965
Claes Oldenburg
1965/1-00 (Detail 2328296 - 2330824), early 1970s
Roman Opalka
Girlfriends I (Freundinnen I), 1967
Sigmar Polke
Concert Drawing #1, 1966
Larry Poons
The Shield, 1962
Mel Ramos
Untitled, 1939
Ad Reinhardt
New York Sound Drawing #10, 1978
Edda Renouf
Flight Drawing #11... Before Warm Grey and/Ultramarine, 1979
Edda Renouf
Untitled, 1960
Mario Schifano
T75-113, 1975
Jan Schoonhoven
Rio Vertical Reversal #14, 2013
Richard Serra
Drawing, 1991-92
Pat Steir