Buddhist Goddess Tara, 15th century
Portrait of the Tibetan Lama Chankya Hutuktu Rolpai Dorje (1717-1786), Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 18th/19th century
Tantric Goddess Kamakala and Spouse in Ritual Embrace (yab-yum), 14th/15th century
Ritual Flaying Knife (Kartrika), 17th/18th century
Jambhala, the God of Wealth, Seated on a Dragon, 15th century
Manuscript Cover with Enshrined Sakyamuni Buddha with Hand in Earth Touching (Bhumisparsha) Mudra, 15th century
Tiered Offering Mandala of the Goddess of Wealth (Vasudhara), 19th century
Ewer with Crocodile (Makara) Spout, 16th century
Set of Three Shrine Ornaments with Two Crocodiles (Makara) and a Serpent King (Nagaraja), 16th/17th century
Hindu Manuscript Cover with Ganesha, Brahma, Shiva and Parvati, Vishnu, and Karttikeya, late 15th/early 16th century
Book Cover for a Manuscript of the Perfection of Wisdom (Ashtashasrika Prajnaparamita) Sutra, 14th century
Fragment of a Plaque with Dancing Mother Goddesses Varahi, Kaumari and Chamunda, c. 10th/11th century
Manuscript Cover from the Glorification of the Great Goddess (Devimahatmya), 18th century
Six-Armed God Ganesha, 17th century
Painted Banner (Thangka) of Amitayus Buddha Surrounded by One Hundred Buddhas, 19th century
Buffalo-Headed Vajrabhairava, a Wrathful form of Bodhisattva Manjushri, 15th century
Wish-Fullfilling Gem Lord of the World (Chintamani Lokeshvara), 19th century
Sun, Moon and Lotus on Lion Throne, from a Set of Initiation Cards (Tsakali), 14th/15th century
Painted Banner (Thangka) of the Avalokiteshvara Incarnation of the Rain God Rato Matsyendranatha, 18th/19th century