Among the Redwoods, 1920
Wallace L. DeWolf
Eight Boys, 1520/50
Hans Sebald Beham
Tantric Deities Hevajra and Nairatmya in Ritual Embrace (Yab-Yum), c. 1600
Fragment of a Portrait Head of Antinous, 130-138
Ancient Roman
A7: New Hampshire Entrance Hall, 1799, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
E-20: French Library of the Louis XV Period, c. 1720, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Large Interior Form, 1953/54
Henry Moore
Green Mountains, Canada, 1932
Georgia O'Keeffe
New York, 1950
Aaron Siskind
Portrait of a Donor (recto); Saint Anthony of Padua (reverse), c. 1485
Hans Memling
Vincent and Tony, 1969
Alex Katz
Tall Trees in Landscape, 1921
Roger Eliot Fry
The Print Collector, c. 1860
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
A21: Virginia Parlor, 1758-87, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
A24: Virginia Entrance Hall, 1751-55, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Mrs. Wolleh with Children (Frau Wolleh mit Kindern), 1967
Gerhard Richter
A36: California Living Room, 1850-1875, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Francesco de' Medici, c. 1560
Alessandro Allori
Candle (Kerze), 1982
Gerhard Richter