T.V. Picture, 1971
Sigmar Polke
Nivea, 1936/37
Kurt Schwitters
The Art of Wrestling: Eighty-Five Pieces (Ringer Kunst: Fünff und Achtzig Stücke), 1539
Lucas Cranach, II
The Seven Joys of Mary, 1510/1515
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Cartridge Box, late 16th century
Tureen with Cover, 1905/06
Richard Riemerschmid
Malepartus, plate eight from Die Hölle, 1919
Max Beckmann
Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin, from The Life of the Virgin, 1510
Albrecht Dürer
MZ 30,17, 1930
Kurt Schwitters
The Mad Woman of St Marie-à-Py, from War, 1924
Otto Dix
Portrait of German novelist Erich Maria Remarque holding vase, 1966
St. George on Foot, 1502
Albrecht Dürer
Man Sitting, 1998
Stephan Balkenhol
The Wedding at Cana, n.d.
Hans Sebald Beham
Untitled (Arrival for the Dance), 1941/42
Kurt Schwitters
Virginius Killing His Daughter, 1546/47
Georg Pencz
Study, Charité, Berlin, 2015
Thomas Struth
Stalin, 1971
Thomas Bayrle
Back into Nothingness, plate fifteen from A Life, 1884
Max Klinger