Abou Simbel, Nubia, 1857
Francis Frith
Valance or Frieze (Unfinished), 1601/25
Jerusalem from the City Wall, 1857
Francis Frith
Man Seated, 1925
Fritz Pauli
Color Drawing for Relational Painting, 1963
Fritz Glarner
Drawing for Tondo No. 2, 1959
Fritz Glarner
Color Drawing for Tondo, 1964
Fritz Glarner
The Slant or Obilque Created, page three from Recollection, 1964–68
Fritz Glarner
A Re-Forming Unity, page eight from Recollection, 1964–68
Fritz Glarner
Time-Life Mural, page thirteen from Recollection, 1964–68
Fritz Glarner
Time-Life Mural, page thirteen from Recollection, 1964–68
Fritz Glarner
For Dag Hammarskjold, page fourteen from Recollection, 1964–68
Fritz Glarner
Colophon page, from Recollection, 1964–68
Fritz Glarner
Color Drawing For Relational Painting, 1963
Fritz Glarner
Election Meeting, 1936
Fritz Goro
Eternity (Ewigkeit), plate 8 from Creation--Death (Werden--Vergehen), 1919
Fritz Schwimbeck
David Lewinsohn House, Chicago, Illinois, North and South Elevations, 1898
Fritz Frederick L. Foltz
Legendary Saints of France (center frieze), c. 1888
Georges-William Thornley
Battle of Sea-Gods, Left Half of a Frieze, 1470/1500
Andrea Mantegna
The Statues of Memnon, Plain of Thebes, 1857
Francis Frith