Figure 1, 1957
Jasper Johns
Homer Dictating, 1660/65
Pier Francesco Mola
Milarepa on Mount Kailash, c. 1500
Kylix (Drinking Cup), 540-530 BCE
Ancient Greek
Adoration of the Christ Child, 1550/1600
Panels from the High Altar of the Charterhouse of Saint-Honoré, Thuison-les-Abbeville: The Last Supper, c. 1495
Comte Alfred-Pierre de Falloux, Modeled possibly 1848/50, cast 1929/40
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Charles-Guillaume Ètienne, Modeled c. 1832/35, cast 1929/50
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Female Figure with Geometric Face and Body Paint, 200–100 BCE
Figure Posts, Early-mid 20th century
Nativity (Mother and Child Surrounded by Five Figures), c. 1902
Paul Gauguin
Crucifixion Relief from a Rosary Bead, 1500/25
Dancing Figure, c. 1925
Ivan Meštrović
Attachments Depicting Busts of Silenoi, Mid 1st century BCE-mid 1st century CE
Ancient Roman
Pelican, c. 1896
Emmanuel Fremiet
Diptych Panel with Virgin and Child and Two Angels, 1375/1400
Teucer, Modeled 1880-81, cast 1891
Hamo Thornycroft
Tetradrachm (Coin) Depicting the God Zeus, 359-336 BCE
Ancient Greek
Figure Assemblage I, 1959
Eldzier Cortor
Olla Basket, c. 1930