Head of a Male Deity (Deva), Angkor period, late 12th–early 13th century
Acrobats at the Cirque Fernando (Francisca and Angelina Wartenberg), 1879
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bust of a Youth (Saint John the Baptist?), 1630/40
Francesco Mochi
Tall-Case Clock, c. 1906
Josef Hoffmann
Londonderry Vase, 1813
Manufacture nationale de Sèvres
Sky above Clouds IV, 1965
Georgia O'Keeffe
Corallo Chair, 2006
Campana Brothers
The Frugal Meal, from The Saltimbanques, September 1904
Pablo Picasso
Delphine, 1999
Diana Thater
Plate 49 from Plan of Chicago 1909: Chicago. View of the City from Jackson Park to Grant Park, Looking Towards the West. The proposed shore treatment as a park enclosing a waterway (or a series of lagoons) is shown, together with the enlarged yacht harbor, recreation piers, and a scheme for Grant Park., 1907
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Interrogation II, 1981
Leon Golub
Karttikeya, Commander of the Divine Army, Seated on a Peacock, Ganga Period, about 12th century