The Actor Segawa Kikunojo II as the Courtesan Hitachi in Part Two of the Play Wada Sakamori Osame no Mitsugumi (Wada's Carousal: The Last Drink With a Set of Three Cups), Performed at the Ichimura Theater from the Ninth Day of the Second Month, 1771, c. 1771
Ippitsusai Buncho
Sugar Basin and Lid, 1969
Jack Eugene Earl
Cup and Saucer, c. 1825
Staffordshire Potteries
Punch Bowl, designed 1891, made 1892
Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin
Cup, c. 1715
Edward Winslow
Drinking Bowl (Mucawa) in the Shape of Half of a Calabash, with Anaconda and Turtle Motifs, 1986