Helen and Paris - Come Then, Rather Let Us Go to Bed, plat nine from Drawings for The Iliad, 1962
Meriden Gravure Company
Topping a Flight of Rails, and Coming Well into the Next Field, plate two from Insdispensable Accomplishments, published June 24, 1811
Sir Robert Frankland
“You tramp! I would like to see you drown in your beer! Leaving me alone like that with my three children, he gives me twelve sous, and when he comes back in the evening, he asks for his change!,” plate 48 from Moeurs Conjugales, 1842
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The Peace Society, or a New "Field of Action" for the Military - in "The Good Time Coming" from George Cruikshank's Steel Etchings to The Comic Almanacks: 1835-1853 (top), 1852, printed c. 1880
George Cruikshank
What It Must Come To, At Last, if the Ladies Go On Blowing Themselves Out as They Do! from George Cruikshank's Steel Etchings to The Comic Almanacks: 1835-1853 (top left), 1850, printed c. 1880
George Cruikshank
“- Yes, my dear Badoulard... I will open a department store even more philanthropic and greater than anything that existed up to now.... it will carry the complete set of articles at half price... someone can come in as naked as a new born baby and leave fully dressed, including cane, umbrella and cigarette lighter! - But then you will ruin all the small little shops in the neighborhood! - What do I care, as long as its all done in the name of humanity!, plate 27 from Les Philantropes Du Jour, published February 26, 1845