Tea Bowl and Saucer, c. 1750
Blue and White 'Dragon' Bottle Vase, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)
Covered Box with Lotus-Shaped Compartments, Song dynasty (960–1279)
Openwork Ornament, late Neolithic period, 3rd millennium B.C. or early Shang period, c. 1600/1045 B.C.
Axe, Neolithic period, probably Liangzhu culture, c. 3000–2000 B.C.
Birth (Chushi), 1998
Li Xiu
Blue-Ground Yellow-Enameled 'Dragon' Dish, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), Qianlong reign mark and period (1736–1795)
Toad Pendant, Shang or Western Zhou period, 13th/10th century B.C.
Band, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 1875/1900
Woman's Sleeve Band, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 1875/1900
Triangular Five-Tiered Box with Bamboo, Plum Blossom, and Pine Trees, Ming dynasty (1368–1644), 16th century
Disc (bi), Eastern Zhou period or Western Han dynasty, 3rd/2nd century B.C.
Ring, Eastern Zhou period, 5th century B.C.
Fishing Boats (Yuzhou), 1998
Zhu Weiming
Slit Ring (jue), Neolithic period, 4th/3rd millennium B.C.
The Knickknack Peddler, Ming dynasty (1368–1644), 16th century
Chinese Merchant with bodyguard, San Francisco's Chinatown, 1900, printed c. 1920
Arnold Genthe
Wine Vessel (Zun), Qing dynasty (1644–1911) or modern, 18th century or later
The Wangchuan Villa, Ming or Qing dynasty, 17th–18th century
Groom, Tang dynasty (618–907), first half of 8th century