Still Life with Queen, 1912
Gabriele Münter
Chief Tja-Yo-Ni, 1904
Edward Warren Sawyer
Ne-I-So-Meh—Yuma, 1904
Edward Warren Sawyer
Dan Ryan Expressway, Chicago, 1970
Larry Stark
Illuminati (Furnishing Fabric), 1988
Ben Rose
View from Hotel Window, Prinsenstraat Amsterdam, Holland, n.d.
Ivan Albright
Prophet I, 1975
Charles White
Cornell Towers, Chicago, Illinois, Perspective Rendering, c. 1925
Maurice L. Bein
Red Pine, 1990
Judy Ledgerwood
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Christina Ramberg
Uptown, Chicago, 1965
Danny Lyon
Drinking in Hogan's Bar, 1980
Dirk Bakker
Pendant, 1900–17
Jessie M. Preston
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Rick Ulman
Marina City: Scheme A, Second Level Plan, 1959
Bertrand Goldberg
Cities (Furnishing Fabric), c. 1950
Angelo Testa
Arabian Nights (Furnishing Fabric), 1950
Angelo Testa
Eleanor and Barbara, Chicago, 1955
Harry Callahan
860-880 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois, Details, 11/22/1949
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Empty Lots, Englewood Neighborhood on Chicago’s West Side, from the series “Revealing Chicago” (2003-04), January 29, 2004
Terry Evans