After The Battle of Drowsabella /After Mr. Wirther Run/At Angeline Agatha (recto); 39. at Jennie / Richee. / From the low stretch / of land from green hill / to left of this picture / they swim the ten mile / stretch of water to the land / seen to the left of / picture 38 where arrow / points (verso), n.d.
Henry Darger
David Slaying Goliath, 1600–50
Great Victory of Our Troops at the Fierce Battle of the Ansong Ford (Anjo no watashi waga gun taisho no zu), 1894/95
Migita Toshihide
Hindenburg and Hitler, February 28, 1945
Petr A. Sarkisian
Knife (Kard) with Battling Elephants, Rhinoceros and Lions on the sheath, 18th century
To Berlin!, March 26, 1945
Pavel F. Sudakov
Untitled, May 1944
General Taylor at the Battle of Resaca de la Palma (Furnishing Fabric), 1846/48
Straining in Vain, November 23, 1944
Nikolai F. Denisovskii
Homeric Battle, 1868
Léopold Flameng
"The Meeting of Wellington & Blucher (Battle of Waterloo)", 1875/1900
Thomas Stevens
Vase Depicting Warriors in Battle and Capturing Prisoners, 100 BCE–500 CE
New German Divisions, November 16, 1944
Mikhail M. Cheremnykh
In the Carpathian Mountains, April 29, 1945
Aleksandr A. Przhetslavskii
Na borbu s khuliganstvom v literature (The Battle against Hooliganism in Literature), 1926
Gustav G. Klutsis
Long Live the Japanese Navy and Army! The Great Battle near Weihaiwei (Nihon kairiku banzai, Ikaiei fukin daigekisen no zu), 1895