Jesus Calling Zacchaeus from Geistliche Auslegung des Lebens Jesu Christi (The Spiritual Interpretation of the Life of Christ), Plate 15 from Woodcuts from Books of the 15th Century, c. 1485, portfolio assembled 1929
Unknown artist
Bull Terrier, 1875–1900
Artist unknown
Pembroke Table, c. 1790
Artist unknown
Fan-Back Windsor Chair, 1760–70
Artist unknown
Chest, 1805–20
Artist unknown
Statue of Cupid, n.d.
Unknown artist
Holy Emissary, from Yiddish Motifs, 1926
Todros Geller
Clorinda Rescues Olindo and Sophronia, 1600s
Unknown artist
Holy Family, c. 1510
Unknown artist
Card Table, 1755–90
Artist unknown
Cover and Frontispiece to Les Vieilles Histoires, 1893
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Jar, 1795
Artist unknown
The Artist's Grandmother Sewing (recto); Suzanne Duchamp, the Artist's Sister (verso), 1907
Marcel Duchamp
Famous Artists from Chicago, 1970
Roger Brown
Portrait of the Artist’s Mother (Eve), 1889/90
Paul Gauguin
Kast, 1650–1700
Artist unknown
Maxwell Street, Chicago, from Yiddish Motifs, 1926