Madonna and Child with Four Saints, 1936
Allan Rohan Crite
The Senbikiya Store in Ginza, from the series Pictures of Ginza, First Series, December 1928
Oda Kazuma
Gentle (Yu), 1995
Fujinuma Noboru
Pig 05049, 2007
Christien Meindertsma
The Rialto, Venice, 1883
Frank Duveneck
The Eyes of F. Donald Coster, c. 1951–54
Jack Levine
Fullness (Man), 1999
Fujinuma Noboru
Study for "Victory", Modeled 1903; cast 1906
Evelyn Beatrice Longman
Untitled, 1971
Marty S. Greenbaum
Winged Victory of Samothrace (Victoire de Samothrace), 1860s
Mary Underwood, Olive Underwood and Susan Underwood, 1839/60
Untitled (Female Nude; Outside); Untitled (Bust Studies; Inside), n.d.
Sylvia Shaw Judson
Tent No. 5, 1971
Stefan Suberlak
Eventide, c. 1880/90, printed April 1890
J. B. B. Wellington
Artist's Dream, No. 18 from the series "Stereographs of the Watkins Glen", 1860/99
G. F. Gates
View of City with Fishing Boat in Foreground, n.d.
Paul Bril
Case History, 1997/98
Boris Mikhailov
Adoration of the Magi, 1450–64, printed in the 18th century
Case History, 1997/98
Boris Mikhailov