Gate, Nagasaki, 1955 (printed 1956)
Saito Kiyoshi
Study for "Round Trip" (A Space to Fall Back On), c. 1975
Vito Acconci
"Untitled" (Fainted), 1991
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Texturologie VIII, 1957 (December)
Jean Dubuffet
The Nuno Box: Textiles of Reiko Sudo, 2017
Reiko Sudo
The Tale of Genji, early 17th century
Mended Petal, 2016
Yoko Ono
Commodore Perry, c. 1853/54
Psych Twombly (Kelvin), 2017
Shahryar Nashat
Lotus (Ren), 1990
Fujinuma Noboru
...and to draw a bright white line with light (Untitled 11.5), from the series "... and to draw a bright white line with light", 2011
Uta Barth
Colts, 1948
Hatsuyama Shigeru
Legends of the Yūzū Nembutsu Sect, Kamakura period (1185–1333), 14th century
Aesthetic Function in Space, 1928–33
Knud Merrild
Chicago Mafia Leader Tony Accardo Making First Courthouse Appearance, Chicago, February 1959
Art Shay
Artist signing a screen, no. 1 from the series of 12 prints, c. 1708
Okumura Masanobu
Garry Winogrand and Melissa, Los Angeles, California, 1979
Tom Harney
Diary: April 25th, '81, 1981
Noda Tetsuya
Untitled, c. 1960
Lawrence N. Shustak
Death and the Artist, plate one from Dance of Death, c. 1919
Lovis Corinth