Bowl, 1820–40
Artist unknown
Box for "Artists and Photographs", 1970
Dan Graham
Wall Bracket with Griffin, c. 1800–25
Artist unknown
Standing Nude Model in an Artist's Studio, n.d.
Marcel Gromaire
Pair of Side Chairs, 1760–80
Artist unknown
Pier Table, 1790–1810
Artist unknown
Side Chair, 1742–90
Artist unknown
"Bullet & Emblem" pattern cream pitcher, 1870–1900
Artist unknown
The Artist's Studio, 1928
Max Jacob
The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist, 1989
Guerrilla Girls
Untitled (3/8/94, 6A-1), 1995
Peter Halley
Allegory on the Defeat of the Duke of Alva at Brielle, 1580
Unknown artist
Traveling Desk, 1800–15
Artist unknown
Chest, c. 1830
Artist unknown
Big Books, Little Books, Medium Sized too; All Kinds of Story Books for You, and You, and You, 1935/43
Unknown artist
Frame, 1880–1915
Artist unknown
Couch, 1850–65
Artist unknown
Set Design for Alfred Jarry, Ubu Enchaîné, 1937
Max Ernst
Don't you think it would be nice to be as quiet as these mice?, 1935/43
Unknown artist
David Promises Bathsheba that Solomon Will Rule, 18th/19th century
Unknown artist