The Oude Kerk, Delft, c. 1665
Cornelis de Man
Northwestern University Institute of Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois, Cutaway Isometric View, Presentation Drawing, 1971–1972
Bertrand Goldberg
Crystal Chapel and Student Religious Building, Norman, Oklahoma: Roof and Mezzanine Plans, c. 1949
Bruce Alonzo Goff
New Busan Tower, Busan, South Korea, Detail, 2002
Patterns, Inc.
State Theatre (Stadthalle), Nuremberg, Germany, Perspective, 1929
Ludwig Karl Hilberseimer
Crystal Chapel and Student Religious Building, Norman, Oklahoma: Parking and Basement Level Plan, c. 1949
Bruce Alonzo Goff
Stewart–Bentley Building, Chicago, Illinois, Perspective, 1872
Carter, Drake and Wight
The Theater in the Rock, Oya I, Section, 1998
Tadao Ando
William J. Goudy House, Chicago, Illinois, Perspective, c. 1889/90
Burnham and Root
Embroidered Tablecloth, 2000
Hella Jongerius
South Side Project (48th and Drexel), 1953/57
Bertrand Goldberg
American Medical Association Building, 515 North State Street: Study Models, 1988
Kenzo Tange
Shutter, Possibly for a Granary, 19th/mid–20th century
Sushi Chair, 2002
Campana Brothers
Chartres Cathedral West Facade; Royal Portal, Central Bay, 1854/63
Bisson Frères
Saint Gabriel's Church, Chicago, Illinois, Elevation and Section, c. 1886
Burnham and Root
Gene and Nancy Bavinger House: Plan of Lower Levels Showing Water Garden and Suspended Rooms, 1950/51
Bruce Alonzo Goff
Gene and Nancy Bavinger House: Perspective View of Site, 1950/51
Bruce Alonzo Goff
New Hometown for Calumet, Interior Perspective, N.d.
Bertrand Goldberg
Gene and Nancy Bavinger House: Elevation Showing Suspended Roof, 1950/51
Bruce Alonzo Goff