Proposed William Granger Ryan Fine Arts Center, 1992
Philip Cortelyou Johnson
Trinity Portland Cement Company Promotional Materials, Lobby and Escalators, Presentation Drawing, 1943
Hugh Ferriss
Chimney Piece from the Benjamin Lindauer House, Chicago, Illinois, 1885
Adler & Sullivan, Architects
860–880 North Lake Shore Drive, Sub-Basement Plan, 11/9/1949
Frank J. Kornacker Associates
Plate 50 B from Plan of Chicago 1909: Lake Shore from Chicago Avenue on the south to Wilmette on the North., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Vincent Kling Studios Main Entrance and Reception Lobby, Chicago, Illinois, Perspective, 1945
Henry Peter Glass
First State Bank of Manlius, Manlius, Illinois, Main Floor Plan, 1914
Parker Noble Berry
Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook, New York, Aerial View, Presentation Drawing, 1974
Bertrand Goldberg
Charity, 1743/44
Francesco de Mura
Door, c. 1750
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Circassian Cavalry Awaiting their Commanding Officer at the Door of a Byzantine Monument; Memory of the Orient, 1880
Alberto Pasini
Cranbrook Architecture 1980-81 Poster, 1980—81
Katherine McCoy
United Airlines Terminal: Interior Perspective View of Ticketing Counters, 1985
Murphy/Jahn Architects
Marina City, Detroit, Michigan, Pedestrian Thruway Plan, April 24, 1962
Bertrand Goldberg
Proposed Interior, Henry Ford House, Perspective Section, c. 1917
George Mann Niedecken
Sketches (by Bertrand Goldberg): Section, n.d.
Bertrand Goldberg
Fragment (Hanging), Roman period (30 B.C.– 641 A.D.), 5th/6th century
Plate 72 from The Plan of Chicago, 1909: Chicago. Sketch Diagram of Docks Suggested at the Mouth of the Calumet River for Bulk Freight Steamers; Access To Be Had Without Opening of Bridges., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
The Arrival of the Muses of Art at Architecture, 1890