Workshop of Elisabeth van Zuylen Dutch, born Indonesia, 1863-1947 Pekalongan, North Coast, Java, Indonesia
During the last decades of the 19th century, many new commercial batik workshops were established in communities along Java's north coast. Among the oldest and most enduring was the workshop established at Pekalongan by Eliza van Zuylen. The Indo-Europen style of her production relied upon large-scale floral arrangements, probably derived from Dutch horticultural books. This deluxe fabric has been fashioned into a tubular skirt, which is still intact. Van Zuylen's signature appears at the upper left of the red panel that served as the front of the garment.
Batik Textiles of Java, April 21-September 17, 2017
Cotton, plain weave; hand-drawn wax resist dyed (batik tulis)